Building in Venus Bay – Bushfire Regulations.
All blocks in Venus Bay area in a designated bushfire prone area and have a Bushfire Management Overlay (BMO). The BMO is a planning control that regulates development in areas where there is extreme bushfire hazard.
What is the difference between the BMO and Bushfire Prone Areas?
Bushfire Prone Areas are areas where the bushfire hazard has been identified and mapped under the building system. These areas are subject to or likely to be subject to bushfires. This triggers building permit requirements where new buildings are required to build to a national bushfire construction standard. This is known as a Bushfire Attack Level (BAL).
The Bushfire Management Overlay (BMO) is a planning control that applies to bushfire prone areas with very high and extreme bushfire hazards. This triggers planning permit requirements including mandatory bushfire protection measures such as defendable space, water supply, access, and ongoing vegetation management requirements. Areas, where a BMO applies, are also by default Bushfire Prone Areas.
Bushfire Attack Level
Most of the blocks as part of the BMO have a designated Bushfire Attack Level, however, there are blocks that do not have this rating and an application would need to be made to the CFA as part of the planning process. Most of the blocks are either BAL 12.5 or BAL 29 and this translates to additional building costs that vary depending on the size of the house.
BAL 12.5 – Primarily risk of ember attack; risk of radiant heat is considered low.
BAL 29 – Risk is high with increasing levels of ember attack and burning debris ignited by windborne embers, increasing likelihood of exposure to radiant heat.
Beware unmanaged vegetation!
Unmanaged vegetation like that found behind blocks backing onto the dunes may lead to a much higher rating…. Translation: Deep pockets required!
BAL 40 – Risk is very high. Increasing levels of ember attack and burning debris ignited by windborne embers; the increasing likelihood of exposure to radiant heat and some direct exposure to flames possible. Additional costs may be incurred, depending on the house.
BAL FZ – Risk is extreme. Direct exposure to flames from the fire front is likely in addition to high levels of radiant heat exposure and ember attack. Additional costs, eek, getting up there!
Peace of Mind
Coldon Homes has many years of experience building to the required Bushfire Attack Levels in Venus Bay and will quote the additional costs that come with the rating upfront, so you know exactly what to budget for when building your new home.
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